Friday, November 23, 2012

Thankful for being home

Family, friends and good times. I came home for Thanksgiving week to hang out with my brother. My mom is in France so I didn't want him to be solo. I've had such an amazing week! I got to see so many of my friends....22 in all. (I counted.) When ever I come home it makes me realize how special my friends are to me. It feels so good to be around people who know me and that I know so well. Such great memories and more to come!

Selena and I met in Jr. High. She's still the same...fisty, honest and a friend who would do anything for me. 

Lola came with me on the trip....she loves being outdoors. 

Garrett Ota and I met at 6th Grade camp and became instant friends when he transfered to my Jr. High. He cut my hair on this trip!

Didi was my friend who took me to Mexico when I was 18...MAN have we had some fun times. I recently went to Turkey with her and her two kids. LOVE them!

Lisa and I were in the 1st grade together...we didn't meet up again until we were 18 her on a blind date with my boyfriend (at the time) roommate. We bailed the guys and started a long lasting friendship!
I surprised my friend Lori for her bridal party! We all met at ASG when we worked there. Best thing to come from that job. 

Nick was my high school sweetheart and we've been friends ever since. He is more like family now. 

LOVE the San Diego sun....feels so good to be home. 

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