Friday, November 2, 2012

After the storm- Neighbors getting together, window fridge, trees down and cops everywhere!

Last night I rode my bike home after dark.....not so smart! It was pitch black after 31st street which was was really scary event though I was riding really slow. Robert was waiting at the corner for me and he was so worried. Not doing that again. Sunsets today at 5:50 pm and you better believe I'll be home before 5:30 pm.  When I got home I walked up with my bike, Robert and Lola to our neighbors having a cookout in front of our APT. I LOVED IT!! Made me feel so good inside. I love it when people come together. Living in NYC you don't really get to know your apt neighbors so it was really cool to see everyone getting together. 
Oh this is how we've been keeping our milk and cheese cold! When we go to bed we put our food out on the fire escape which actually has bee really working!

A tree that fell down on's Friday and it's still down. 

There are traffic cops up and down the street directing traffic because there are no lights...crazy!

GOOD NEWS we get our electricity back at 11 pm on excited to turn on the lights in my kitchen!

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