Friday, November 23, 2012

14 Weeks and counting: Hair and Body Check

I started taking prenatal vitamins about 6 months prior to getting pregnant and my hair started growing like crazy then I got pregnant and it went WILD. My hair hasn't been this long since the 5th grade. I was thinking about cutting it but I want to be that hot mom with long hair! HA! 

Boobs are up a full size and my stomach has this fat layer around it. Not totally cute but I'm living with it. I'm going to up my cardio...I haven't been that good lately. 

Nov. 23, 2012- Ok..I can't believe I'm posting this photo. What is up with my ass? WIDE LOAD.  I'm thinking it's the way I took this photo...well that's what makes me feel better. HA! 

It's been 14 weeks now. How do I feel you ask?  Well the gas, bloating and constipation are still my best friends and they make sure they are near me every day! I never really had morning sickness..I mean I would get a barfy feeling when I was hungry but that's it. I rarely get that feeling any more.  I've been taking 2-3 hour naps daily (I had the week off) and waking up at 4 am. It might be bc of the time difference (I'm currently in CA) but who knows. I've been listening to my body. I'm hungry I eat a small snack, I'm thirsty I drink plenty of water, I'm tired I take a quick nap. My goal for the next couple of weeks is to exercise. Yoga and cardio. 

I hope the next photo I post I'll have some muscles! 


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