Saturday, November 3, 2012


Friday night...We have lights and cell service now...YEAH!! Now all we need is food. The stores nearby aren't stocked yet and there aren't any restaurants opened. SO...we did the next best thing SOUP in a can. We also cleared out our fridge. It's never been so empty. 

I woke up bright and early on the hunt for food. I tweeted with @wholefoodsnyc and asked if they were open and they were ! The workers had been there all night stocking shelves. These guys only had 1 hour of sleep! I almost cried I was so grateful. 
There were still some shelves that were bare but we got most of what we needed. It felt so good to have food and to cook!

I made a chicken arugula salad for lunch! YUM!! #nothungry anymore. 

So happy. 

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