Monday, September 19, 2011

The Silver Trash Can

Robert and I had been dating almost a year. There were hints about living together but the question was never present(ish). Until we spoke about the ugly white trash cans we each owned.

One night we were talking about how we hated our nasty plastic trash cans and wanted to get a nice shiny silver trash can like the ones at Bed Bath & Beyond that were $100+. Robert said he wanted to get one but wanted to move out of his current apartment with his roommate before doing so. I had a slight smile when he said this. I didn't want to buy one either because in the hopes we moved in together who needs TWO silver trash cans!

Robert and I moved in together a year and a month after meeting each other and you better believe the first thing we bought together was a shiny silver trash can from Bed, Bath & Beyond!

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