Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brimfield Antique Show

Last week Robert and I took a road trip to Brimfield, MA for one of the largest antique shows in the nation. It was raining (which is good b/c that means no people) but that didn't stop us. I wanted to get up at 3 am to get there early but Robert (as he often does) knocked some sense in to me. I sometimes get very tunnel vision when I want something. Any how, I wanted to go up there to get some cool things for our wedding and he wanted to shop for a few pieces for our NEW store!!
Coffee grinder...so cute but we don't drink coffee so we decided no.
I was thinking this would be so cute for our photo booth back drop! But then I thought how the hell am I going to ship it. 
This is a table Robert was looking at for BRJ
I got this fan. LOVE!!
I bought a few umbrellas for myself too. Not this one though. 
Overall we had a GREAT day (minus the torrential down pour on the way home)

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