Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Brow Time

Today I went to Sania's brow bar. She's uber well known in the "celeb" world so I thought I would try her out to "shape" my brows.

My brows aren't horrible they could use some help. Sania came out of a room asked me to sit down in this room that was like her waiting room. There were girls sitting on the couch behind. She started tweezing away like it was nobody's business.

It was crazy the speed she was going. She told me the places I needed to grow out and showed me how to fill in the brows with
pencil. Overall I like the shape of my brows bit feel like she sped through it. I mean she MAYBE spent 15 min with me. That's pretty gods for her $260 an hour. Maybe I should start doing this. Ha!! She said to come back before my wedding. I'm going to give her ONE more try and then see how I feel. Maybe next time she give me a little more TLC.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Do you know what this is?

It's a pocket on my custom made wedding dress. I can't wait to show you the WHOLE dress. My friend is doing a fabulous job and designing it with him has been so fun. Today I went for my last fitting. So EXCITED!!




Monday, September 19, 2011

The Silver Trash Can

Robert and I had been dating almost a year. There were hints about living together but the question was never present(ish). Until we spoke about the ugly white trash cans we each owned.

One night we were talking about how we hated our nasty plastic trash cans and wanted to get a nice shiny silver trash can like the ones at Bed Bath & Beyond that were $100+. Robert said he wanted to get one but wanted to move out of his current apartment with his roommate before doing so. I had a slight smile when he said this. I didn't want to buy one either because in the hopes we moved in together who needs TWO silver trash cans!

Robert and I moved in together a year and a month after meeting each other and you better believe the first thing we bought together was a shiny silver trash can from Bed, Bath & Beyond!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Jet Blue and AWAY

We just booked our tickets to San Diego for our wedding!! 2 months to go!! YEAH!!

We Are Tying The Knot Invites

For our invites we wanted them to be really personal so we created them ourselves. (It helps to be engaged to a graphic designer.) Robert made our silhouettes (see previous blog) and we worked on layout together. I researched printers and found a  SWEET deal from Big Tuna print an promotions. 100 -5x7 cream color 100lb paper one color front and back with RAISED printing for $142!!! Some places in NYC wanted to charge us $500. Call my girl Mia Florou 630 871-8862 or you can email her You'll thank me later! 

For the envelopes we went with a brown recycled look from Paper Presentation

I have to say figuring out what we were going to say was a little hard. I started to do research on what "normal" invites said and to tell you the truth I wanted to vomit after reading some of them. Everything was so over the top and our wedding isn't about that so we wrote out something ourselves straight from the heart!

"An Ohio boy met a California girl in New York City. They had big dreams and soon realized how amazing life could be if they shared it together."

For the save the date I was inspired by a post on where these people stamped their save the dates on vintage handkerchiefs. So, I got the stamp made at Casey Rubber Stamps in the East Village and we started stamping away.

Robert was a pro!

We ordered like 75 of the hankies on ebay.  

We ended up sending our save the dates and invites together. Heather (my wedding planner) said she'd never seen that done before. I think that was her nice way of saying...."Um you're supposed to send them separately." HA! I wanted to tie them with a piece of twine on to something so I thought I should tie them on to the actual that's what we did. 

This created a little tie right where it said "We Are Tying The Knot" SO CUTE right!!

We were so HAPPY with our personalized invites!!

Our Silhouettes

For our wedding invites Robert wanted to use our we took our photos and presto! Robert and ML silhouettes. He did such a great job! So excited. (Those are olive branches around us.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bow Ties

How cute are these place holders? I saw this inspiration in a wedding magazine at the airport and took a photo of it. I sent to my wedding planner and she loves them too. SO...with Robert being a menswear designer said that he can make them!

His tailor Anna made these for us...HOW CUTE!!! I'm so excited!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brimfield Antique Show

Last week Robert and I took a road trip to Brimfield, MA for one of the largest antique shows in the nation. It was raining (which is good b/c that means no people) but that didn't stop us. I wanted to get up at 3 am to get there early but Robert (as he often does) knocked some sense in to me. I sometimes get very tunnel vision when I want something. Any how, I wanted to go up there to get some cool things for our wedding and he wanted to shop for a few pieces for our NEW store!!
Coffee cute but we don't drink coffee so we decided no.
I was thinking this would be so cute for our photo booth back drop! But then I thought how the hell am I going to ship it. 
This is a table Robert was looking at for BRJ
I got this fan. LOVE!!
I bought a few umbrellas for myself too. Not this one though. 
Overall we had a GREAT day (minus the torrential down pour on the way home)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

More Hair Please

Char (the girl who's doing my hair for my wedding) suggested I get clip in hair to make my hair fuller for the wedding.

I had NO idea how to do this so I called upon friend with a weave Janjay. She walked me to a hair spot on 14th street where I bought these beauties.

Don't they look like dead animals?? I got 7 in the package. It's real hair and they clip in to your hair.

Alyssa wanted to get in on the fun and try them out too.

She's going for a Cher look. Ha!!

Can't wait for the wedding. Two more months from TODAY!!

Morning Walks

I've got 2 months until I walk down the isle. That means WORK OUT TIME!! This morning Lola and I walked over the Williamsburg bridge.

She gets so excited to go for a morning walk.

Best work out partner ever!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wedding Body

If you know me well you know I make the BEST top ramen ever! I was really craving it tonight but instead I opt for a salad. #weddingbody


Thursday, September 8, 2011

License CHECK!!

I just made an appointment in San Diego to get a marriage license!! So excited.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Traditional Wedding Cake? NO THANK YOU!

First of all I don't like frosting (never have) second there is no way in hell I'm spending $500+ for a cake.  NO WAY! It's all about a cheesecake for our wedding cake.  I called Eileen's a really cute shop in NYC and  spoke to Eillen herself. She was so helpful and told me to come on in! I'm  going to show her my cake toppers (see two blog post before this) to make sure they stand tall and pretty on the cheesecake. I can't wait!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Say it simple

I love these wedding thank you postcards using photos from the wedding. I'm thinking black and white would be really cool. Martha Stewart says to glue photos to a piece of paper and then make a photo copy but I think it would be much easier to just get postcards made however postcards wouldn't have that cute edge around the corners. Check out the blog here that explains how to make your own DIY thank you postcards.

Vintage Place Card

How cute are these wooden spool place cards? I found them on the knottybride blog. I love the burlap and the customized name!! Who's going to buy her own stamp kit? I am!  This is so the look and feel of my wedding. 
To make this simple DIY project you need the following items:   
*Vintage Spools (ebay or etsy)
*Custom stamp kit, you can find one here.
*Black ink pad
*Ribbons in your specific wedding colors
*Super Glue

For directions go here. Happy DIY making!! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cake Toppers

I wanted to do something special for our cake toppers. Something personal and something that meant a lot to us. So, we're getting custom made cake toppers for our cheesecake wedding cake made by our friend Craig. He's a graphic/ art genius not to mention a pretty damn good clay animator.

We met today for brunch and margs to go over the look of the little clay figures. He's going to make one of Lola too.

Here's an example below of something he made that is in our store.

I can't wait to see what he comes up with!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Specialty Drinks!

To stay with our vintage and rustic theme Robert and I decided to have specialty drinks at our wedding. PLUS it very cost effective. Since I'm not a huge drinker and when I do it's usually a vodka/soda I called my friend Brett who is a bartender/mixologist at The John Dory. (AMAZING restaurant) 

He was trained by the guy who owns Milk and Honey which is a little secret bar here in NYC that serves the most amazing drinks you've ever tasted. Any how I told him the feel and colors of our wedding and he made us two drinks that were fabulous!! The first one I'm calling the ML. It's muddled blueberries and blackberries with Vodka, lemon juice and some other stuff. The other one I'm calling the James and it's a bourbon base with a whole lot of goodness. Wedding specialty drinks CHECK!!