Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Where to start

Last day in Turks and Caicos.
Robert and I got back from Turks and Caicos (burnt to a crisp) and jumped RIGHT in to planning our By Robert James Fashion+Rock party. Oh...we own a menswear brand and store together. He designs all the clothes, runs the store and heads up the business portion of things and I work on events, marketing and PR. I also have a full time job at a magazine..but that's a whole other blog..HA!

So, after we got engaged I texted my mom and brother and we skyped Robert's parents. Then I text and emailed all my good friends. Robert was a bit surprised that I didn't post anything on Facebook but I have to tell you I wanted to keep it private.... I later posted it and the response back was so thoughtful and heartfelt from all our friends.

Any how...we haven't had time to think about a wedding or the date...that will come after the ROCK SHOW!!

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