Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The List

Robert and I like to lay in bed and discuss things. Our wedding is one of them. LIST...that's what Robert suggested to start with...start with a list and then we can figure out where we want to get married. See, Robert is from OH and I'm from CA and we live in NYC. There are a lot of people coming from all directions.  We're thinking about a destination wedding and since Robert's favorite number is 11 we're thinking about 11/11/11...cute right!

I expressed that I don't want kids at the wedding but Robert put that one out real quick. Is that bad to want my friends all to myself without their kids... I don't think so. OH...also..We've already received a "this is when I won't be able to come to your wedding" email. I was a bit put off by it. HELLO this is not your wedding it's ours.  Oh I starting to be bridezilla? 

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