Monday, October 11, 2010


Robert and I went to Turks and Caicos for our friend Sarah and David's wedding which was 10/10/10. The wedding  was magical.  At one point in the wedding Sarah looked out to the crowd with a shock look on her face.  I asked her what was going on and she said "I can't believe all the people we love are under one roof. It's amazing to see everyone together." At that moment I KNEW I wanted to have a wedding. I of course wasn't engaged at that point but I knew that I wanted to have a wedding with ALL my friends in attendance.

The day after the wedding Robert and I spent the day laying out on a couch/bed with an umbrella over us facing the ocean sipping on foo-foo drinks and eating chicken wings... It was our little HEAVEN.
Our little heaven. 

We headed back to our hotel along the beach and that's where Robert popped the question. He told me he had to go to the bathroom and didn't want to go in to the ocean so he asked that I follow him up to the  trees so I could be on the look out. I was confused and honestly just wanted to read my book.  Then he asked me to put my stuff down and got down on one knee and ask said "Michelle Lindsay will you marry me?" I'm not sure what shocked me more...him on one knee or him getting me the most PERFECT ring EVER!! I of course said yes. People ask is it different...heck ya it is. I can't explain what the difference is but there is one. Maybe it's that I'll be with this man for the rest of my life...God that's a great feeling! I'm looking forward to our future...Now let's start to plan a wedding!!

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