Saturday, October 29, 2011

To change my last name or not....

So, I've been thinking really hard about if I should change my last name or not when I get married. Part of me would be a little sad to not be referred as Michelle Lindsay any more. I mean EVERYONE calls me by my first and last name...hello I have two first names. Ha! 
Another side of me though wants our family to be on ONE card when we travel abroad. Especially when we have babies.  Plus, I want to have the same last name as our kids. 

The good thing is that Robert's last name is "Loomis" (Robert James Loomis) so I'd still get to keep my initials "ML."  I just did a little google search and found out all the things I need to security card, license, passport, bank accounts, credit cards, job, voting, utilities etc. Full list is here. I told Robert that if I change my name that he has to come with me to go to all the places to change my name. I mean if I have to stand in line at the DMV he should too right?? :) Who knows...I have 13 days to figure that one out.  xoxo ML

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