Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I know this isn't really about my wedding but I had to share...I went to a Clark's preview at the beginning of summer and they gave me these Desert Boot shoes. At first I wasn't sure if they would be good for me PLUS it was the middle of summer and way to HOT to be sporting boots. Fast forward two months and drop the temp by 20 degrees and we're in Fall. I decided one day..you know I'm going to wear these and since then I HAVEN'T TAKEN THEM OFF. It's kind of a joke now when I wake up in the morning I'm like...what can I wear with my Clark's Desert Boot. 
Wild looking dress with purple lace bra and my Clarks.

Orange cotton dress with my Clarks. (PS- They are GREAT for bike riding)
Short black mini skirt with cotton top and my Clarks
Volcom camo pants with my Clarks

You too can own your very own pair here. I really want to get another pair but I'm going to see how long these last. LOVE!

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