Sunday, June 26, 2011


I did a walk through the other day for an event we're doing at work and stumbled upon this milkshake maker. You pick your favorite flavor (on the right) and put the whole cup in this silver thing the silver thing goes up in the machine (on the left). Push a button that says Thick, light or average and presto instant milkshake. So good!! I wonder of they do weddings?


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Vintage Backdrop

I want to have an open "photo booth" at our wedding and was thinking these doors would be a cute backdrop. Love the vintage feel.


Friday, June 3, 2011

3-DAY Master Cleanse

I know what you're saying..she's getting married and wants to get skinny...well I'd be lying if I said I didn't do it for that reason BUT I also did it to see if I could do it (mind over matter) and to see how I would feel. I started the cleanse with my two girlfriends (one of them in the picture with me below) but they lasted until 5:30 pm on the first day. 
What you drink- 2 tbs Lemons, 2 tbs Maple Syrup, 1/10 Cayenne pepper and 10 oz Water and as much distilled water as you want. 
Experience- The mixture wasn't that bad. I added to much Cayenne pepper the first time and that was a bit hot. It really cures your hunger pains. 

So, the lemonade mixture breaks everything up and since you're not eating ruffage you need something to flush everything out...
Night Time- They suggest taking "Smooth Move" tea. It will "hit" you in 6-12 hours. You'll get a bit of a tummy ache when you're on the pot.
Morning Time- They suggested the Salt Water Flush (SLW) which = disgusting! It's 2 tbls of un-iodiozed salt in a liter of warm water. You have to drink the WHOLE thing. See the mixture is the same weight as blood so it doesn't go through your kidneys and straight out the other about 2 hours. People swear by it but for's the reason I only did 3 days. The mixture is so GROSS!

I lost 4 lbs, my stomach is flatter, my sense of smell went up 199%, my tongue got this weird white coat on it (they say it was the toxins), I was very relaxed not a ton of energy, I got a little cranky day 2,  I did yoga and it was good, my usually have to wash my hair every other day on the cleanse it went 3 days with out looking like a grease pit, my skin was SUPER clear, the first time I ate something it was so weird to chew, the first time I drank something other then the lemonade mixture it was this refreshing overwhelming taste of goodness. DON'T go grocery shopping or be around any type of food because you'll start drooling. Overall it was a good experience. I feel that I'm on the right track to exercise and eat healthy for the summer!!


Last weekend Robert and I went to CA for a little business, wedding stuff and sunshine!! We started in LA and visited our friend Alyssa then went to the Lexus Fresh Perspective party (Robert did a collab with them. Check it here.)
Alyssa Sandwich!
Lexus Fresh Perspective artist
Then we headed down to San Diego where we:  
Did a tasting with our caterer.
Hung out with my brother Andrew
Ate Mexican food!
Met up with friends.
Tried cupcakes that were to creamy.
Went by the local surf shop to pick up something for our shop

Scouting photo options for our wedding

Then we flew home...good times!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Site Check

Robert and I met with our wedding coordinator aka Heather the marvelous from (she's also one of my greatest friends from HIGH SCHOOL!)
and her lovely mother and my florist Robin ( while we were in SD. 

We figured out linen colors and  Robert being the designer and knowing WAY more about colors he took over that part of the meeting. Heather said she's never worked with a groom that has been so involved with linen colors. HA! Love it.  It was such a RELIEF to do the walk through and get Heather's ideas of where everything should go. We're getting excited!!
(That's my mom on the left)