Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Obama and a Heartbeat

Nov. 7, 2012- Today two great things happened! First we started our day at the polls to vote for our man Obama.

Then we were off to the doctors to get our first trimester ultrasound. We got to hear our little one's heartbeat...CRAZY! Our baby was moving around (dance moves I'm sure that it got from me) and its little baby arms and legs were stretching. In the photo above you can see their little face. Robert said he sees a square forehead (a trait the Loomis family has).  Robert didn't say much but when he asked for a one of the photos when we walked out I knew he was just as excited as me. Men in general I don't think get as excited or are as expressive as women. I sent the photo to my mom and she says she sees a boy...we'll find out in 7 weeks. I have a little baby growing in me...such a trip...I love it though. I can't wait to meet our little baby. Ok...tears welling up. 

Ok...so Obama is President and our baby is busting moves at only 11 weeks. Today is a GREAT day!