Sunday, December 9, 2012

Working can = Play

Today I woke up and was determined to exercise. I started with a little dancing in the streets on the way to @equinox where I took a kickboxing class. I then proceeded to walk to the LES By Robert James store and get my bike. My friend Meaghan and I rode to the Williamsburg store hung there, ate and walked back. I feel great...little tired but great. I'm heading to Whole Foods now. I'm thinking about baking HA! #busyday #feelsgood

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bloated, Gas, Constipation = NOT FUN

Nov. 5, 2012- I know I look like I'm 7 months prenant but I'm not....I'm just bloated, gassy and constipated. YEAH! I wasn't even pushing my stomach out and that's sad. not fun. I've been farting like there's no tomorrow too. Oh how sexy I feel. 

I did some reading and they said eats lots of fiber, prunes, exercise and drink plenty of water. I made whole bran/oat with apple and raison muffins last night. I've had two today and 6 prunes. Tonight I'm going to juice some beets...I'm desperate here. Wish me luck! 

xoxo- ML the gaser