Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy left us in the dark

Hurricane Sandy hit the tri-state area late night on Monday, Oct. 29th. Robert and I headed out early on Monday to get some things for the house. 
On our way out. 

The stores were pretty busy. 

Rain was coming down...not so hard though. The wind was picking up. 

Good ol' Smart Water to the rescue!
I made some chocolate cookies to pass the time. 

I decided to work out too!
When everything was said and done there wasn't too much damage. Our roof top door was ripped off its hinges. 

And we were left with no electricity, hot water or cell service. Robert walking up our 5 story building. 

Through it all though we are good to go! Robert and I have been playing cards by candle light and reading lots of books. 
Today, Wednesday, October 31st we rode our bikes up to 63rd/Lex to Equinox to take a hot shower! HA! #Makingitwork. 

We hope that all our friends on the east coast are doing good and are safe!

Love- Robert and ML

Friday, October 26, 2012

Work it!

It's Friday and today I completed week 5 of 8 #etc bootcamp @equinox. It's been a bit hard getting up when it's still dark. I ride my bike to the gym which takes about 10 minutes.

Feeling good! Came home hungry and made a whole wheat tortilla with nutella peanut butter with bananas. Yum!