Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bill Cunningham- Click, Click, Click

One of my DREAMS just came true!! I was riding my bike down 5th ave from 54th st to 32nd st. and who do I see on the left of me but BILL CUNNINGHAM himself cruising on his bike (of course). I look over with a HUGE smile and say "Hi Bill!" I don't think he heard me. Any how I pass him and roll up to the stop light. Then all of a sudden I hear "CLICK, CLICK, CLICK." My heart stopped for a second "Was Bill Cunningham taking a photo of me? Tell me it's not true." The light turns green and I slightly look to my left and there he his with camera in hand. WHAT!!! I got so excited. Even if this photo doesn't grace the Sunday NY Times I'll always remember the time when Mr. Cunningham took a photo of me. 

For those of you who don't know him watch his film: Bill Cunningham New York. It's amazing. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

February 14th Poem

Valentine isn't really a big deal to me. Maybe it's because I spent years while in college waiting on happy cheesy couples spending WAY to much on a meal that was 1/2 the price the day before. I hate being ripped off. Ha! I also don't care for stuff animals, roses, chocolates, foo-foo lotion or soaps. Man I sound like the grinch.

I love down right thoughtfulness. Something that is a bit Of a surprise that comes from your heart. That's what wins my heart!!

Every year on Valentines day Robert writes me a poem that only I could translate and understand. It's almost like a riddle sometimes. I love it. This year the poem was called "Wife." it made me smile, cry tears of joy and feel so good inside.....exactly how I wanted to feel on February 14th.