Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beach or Ruin

Robert is from OH and I'm from CA and we live in NYC....so picking a place to get married is a bit hard. We were thinking destination which I was getting excited about but the part that really got us was having all our friends there to celebrate. Robert told me this morning he doesn't really picture himself getting married on the beach...it's not really him and I have to agree (it's not him). So, I'm thinking maybe we find a cute church in Tulum, Mexico and then rent out a cool restaurant and have a fab wedding party there with all our friends and family. Looking in to it now. Maybe we get married at one of the ruins...ha! Just kidding.

On to more research.


Thursday, November 11, 2010


Robert and I are planning on getting married a year from now on 11/11/11! It's Robert's favorite number and means wholeheartedness in the Chinese culture and is very lucky! It just so happens to be my sister's birthday too. We're looking at having a destination wedding too. Tullum, Mexico is on the list. I'm doing research now and thinking we'll go there for my b-day in February to check it out. Our goal is to have all our family and friends hang out in one place for multiple days. I can't wait to have everyone we love in one place.
